If you are a student of Class 10 and looking for notes for Chemistry, the NCERT Class 10 Chemistry notes are a great resource for you. These notes are written chapter-wise and neatly typed in English. They are free to download and will help you understand the concepts and complete the syllabus.
Class 10th Chemistry notes have been designed to match the BSEB exam pattern 2021-22 and cover important topics chapter-by-chapter. They are available for download from the internet. These revision notes cover important chapters, such as the Periodic Table of Elements, Acids, Bases, and Salts.
Ncert chemistry notes cover every topic in the syllabus for Class 10. Each note covers all the concepts in an easy-to-understand way. There are also self-assessment questions to help you understand the concepts in a better manner. These notes are designed by science teachers who have years of experience teaching the subject. They provide students with a clear understanding of all topics, and they also contain helpful revision material and self-assessment exercises.
BSEB class 10th chemistry notes pdf are prepared by experienced teachers and follow the latest NCERT syllabus. They help students get maximum marks in the board examinations by providing detailed explanations of important concepts, formulae, and other essential elements. These notes are easy to understand and can help students retain knowledge better.
The NCERT solutions from Vidyakul are written by highly experienced teachers and are framed in an easy-to-understand manner. These solutions include step-by-step solutions of complex questions. They help students understand the concepts better and complete their assignments faster.
Students should follow the notes for revision. They can make notes for important concepts easily, which helps them to score more marks in the exams. The notes contain self-assessment questions to help students learn more easily. These notes are available for free on the Internet.
The NCERT Class 10 science notes cover the subject of Carbon and its Compounds. They include MCQ questions that carry 20 marks and can be useful for quick revision. They also cover the topics that were dropped from the reduced syllabus. They are a good option for students who are short on time and want to know the answers to their questions quickly.
The NCERT class 10th chemistry notes are meant to help students with their study. They are made to provide quick and effective solutions to questions and problems on the topic. Even if you don’t have a good internet connection, you can download these class notes and study at your own pace. Besides, you can also print them out to study at your own convenience.
These notes will help students prepare well for their board exams. They will help them revise important concepts, which will help them score higher marks in the examinations. They are available on the Internet and have been prepared by experienced teachers in India. The best part is that you can download them for free in pdf format.
The notes will help students understand the types of chemical reactions and how they are applied in the natural world. They will also help them understand how chemical bonds can form new substances with different properties. This is an important concept in the study of science. For example, we can see this in the reactions between acid and base. In addition to acids and bases, we can see how different metals and non-metals react with each other.
Teacher:- Ms. Nitish kumar
Email: no:- learnbseb3@gmail.com
LESSON :- 1 ( रासायनिक अभिक्रिया और समीकरण )
- ऐसी अभिक्रिया जिसमें नए गुण वाले पदार्थ का निर्माण हो ऐसी अभिक्रिया को रासायनिक अभिक्रिया कहते है उदाहरण :- जैसे दूध से दही का जमना , भोजन का पचना ,
- ऐसी पदार्थ जो रासायनिक अभिक्रिया में भाग लेते है उन्हें अभिकारक कहते है
- ऐसी पदार्थ जिसका निर्माण रासायनिक अभिक्रिया से होता है उसे उत्पाद कहते है
- वह रासायनिक अभिक्रिया जिसमे एकल अभिकारक टूट कर दो या उससे अधिक उत्पाद बनाते है उसे वियोजन अभिक्रिया ( अपघटन अभिक्रिया ) कहते है
LESSON:- 2 ( अम्ल क्षार और लवण )
- अम्ल स्वाद में खट्टा लगता है उसे अम्ल कहते है
- क्षार स्वाद में कड़वा लगता है उसे क्षार कहते है
- अम्ल और क्षार की जांच के लिए आप संश्लेषित सूचक जैसे मिथाइल ऑरेंज का उपयोग कर सकते है
- विलयन में विद्युत धारा का प्रवाह आयनों द्वारा होता है
- अम्ल विलयन में H+ आयन देता है
- जल की उपस्थिति में HCI में हाइड्रोजन आयन उत्पन्न होते है
- एक उदासीन विलयन का PH मान 7 होता है और अम्ल का PH मान 7 से कम तथा क्षार का PH मान 7 से अधिक होता है
LESSON :- 3 ( धातु और अधातु )
- तत्व तीन प्रकार के होते है :- धातु अधातु उपधातु
- सोडियम और पोटेशियम दो ऐसे धातु है जिसे चाकू से काटा जा सकता है
- स्टील को कठोर बनाने के लिए। 0 .05 कार्बन मिलाया जाता है
- गैलियम और सीजियम ऐसी दो धातु है जिन्हे हथेली पर रखने पर पिघल जाती है
- अधातुय ऑक्साइड बनती है जो अम्लीय या उदासीन होती है
- दो या दो से अधिक धातुओं एक धातु या एक अधातु के समांगी मिश्रण को मिषधातु कहते है
LESSON :- 4 ( कार्बन तथा उसके यौगिक )
- कार्बन और हाइड्रोजन के यौगिक को हाइड्रोकार्बन कहते है
- H , O , N , CI जैसे तत्व के परमाणु इलेक्ट्रॉन साझेदारी करने में सक्षम है
- दो परमाणु के बिच इलेक्ट्रॉन के एक युग्म की साझदारी के बनने वाले आबंध सहसयोजी आबंध कहलाता है
LESSON :- 5 ( तत्वों का वर्गीकरण )
- ऐसे पदार्थ जो एक ही प्रकार के अणु से बने होते है वे तत्व कहलाते है उदहारण :- सोडियम सोना
- सबसे पहले, ज्ञात तत्व को धातु अधातु उपधातु में वर्गीकृत किया गया है |
BSEB class 10th chemistry Note book
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