NCERT Class 10th Math Solutions


Mathematics is a learning that is very important in many endeavors and careers. To students in Class 10, it is extremely significant to progress through the mathematics syllabus established by NCERT since it enables one to score better during examinations and adequately prepares him/her for advanced levels. This basic understanding provides a strong basis for different aspects of Mathematics using its various topics and exercises provided in the NCERT textbook for Class 10 Mathematics.

This post will focus on providing relevant solutions to chapters of the NCERT Class 10 Maths. For some of you who may have algebra, geometry, or even trigonometry difficulties, this guide is intended to make such topics less difficult and more practical. We will discuss each chapter in turn and explain why it matters, as well as how you can solve its problems to get the most out of it.

NCERT Class 10th Math Solution ( Download answer pdf format )  
Si NoChapter  Name
1NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-1 Real Numbers
2NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-2 Polynomials
3NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
4NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-4 Quadratic Equations
5NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-5 Arithmetic Progressions
6NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-6 Triangles
7NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-7 Constructions
8NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-8 Introduction to Trigonometry
9NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-9 Some Applications of Trigonometry
10NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-10 Circles
11NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-11Constructions
12NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-12 Areas Related to Circles
13NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-13 Surface Areas and Volumes
14NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-14 Statistics
15NCERT Class 10 Mathematics Ch-15 Probability

Chapter 1: Real Numbers

Key Concepts

  • Euclidean division algorithm
  • Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
  • On Irrational Numbers Through the Lattice of Rational Numbers
  • On Rational Numbers and Their Decimal Expansions

Solutions Overview: The chapter starts with a clear description of the steps of Euclid’s division algorithm and the application of the division algorithm in the cases of HCF. Next, we go to areas of prime importance, beginning with the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, which defines the scope of a prime number factorization. Also in this chapter are irrational numbers, their definitions, and how they are constructed. In the very last section, we focus on rational numbers and show their decimal equivalents, both the terminating and the repeating non-terminating decimals.

Tips for Students:

  • Make sure that you go through the examples given before applying the ideas in the exercises.
  • Keep in your head the characteristics of irrational and rational numbers, as it is a common examination of students.
  • Be careful regarding the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, for most higher-level problems do make use of this theorem.

Chapter 2: Polynomials

Key Concepts:

  • The Zeros of a Polynomial–Geometric Interpretations
  • The Zeros and Coefficients which are Related in the Polynomial
  • The Polynomial Long Division Algorithm

Solutions Overview: This chapter describes polynomials in detail, their kinds, and how to calculate their zeros. For the solution of quadratic equations in polynomials and polynomials with higher degrees, it is important to understand how the zeros of that polynomial are related to the coefficients. The chapter also extends to the polynomial division that is, dividing a polynomial by another and finding the remainder.

Tips for Students:

  • Don’t forget about the graphical representation of polynomials since it enables contrast.
  • Division algorithm; use and abuse it since it will reappear in later chapters, hence the reason to practice it.

Chapter 3: Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Key Concepts:

  • Graphical Method of Solution
  • Algebraic Methods- Substitution, Elimination and Cross Multiplication
  • Equations That Can Be Reduced to Linear Form.

Solutions Overview: In this chapter, the students encounter how to solve pairs of linear equations which are addressed using graphical and algebraic means. Solving graphically means drawing the relevant equations on a graph to see the point of intersection of the two graphs. Substitution, elimination, and cross-multiplication are some of the algebraic methods introduced for solving equations. The chapter dealt with linear equations which are referred to as equations reducible.

Tips for Students:

  • Honing accurate graph plotting skills is very important as graphical methods are very sensitive to errors.
  • Learners should have acquired proficiency in any of the three algebraic methods, as each of them presents a different way of solving the same problem, which is useful during examinations.

Chapter 4: Quadratic Equations

Key Concepts:

  • Standard Form of a Quadratic Equation
  • Methods of Solving Quadratic Equations: Factorization, Completing the Square, and Quadratic Formula
  • Nature of Roots

Solutions Overview: It is important to note that quadratic equations are very important in the fact that, in the upper classes, they form the foundation of algebra. This chapter illustrates how to convert equations into standard forms and the various ways to solve them. The chapter further discusses the discriminant which shows the nature of the roots of the equation, whether they are real and distinct, real and equal, or imaginary.

Tips for Students:

  • Solve as many as possible types having quadratic equations so that you fully appreciate each of the methods and its situations.
  • It is not hard to answer questions about the nature of the roots since comprehension of the discriminant is basic.

Chapter 5: Arithmetic Progressions

Key Concepts:

  • Introduction to the term Arithmetic Progression, AP
  • Determining the nth Term of an AP Sequence
  • Summation of Parameters Approached In Terms of an AP

Solutions Overview: In this case, the learners can learn the concept of sequences and series using the Arithmetic progressions (AP). The basics of how to obtain the common difference, the general term of an AP, and the sum of the first in terms through the use of various formulas are explained. Exposure to the concepts is enhanced by practicing various exercises and working on several examples of the concepts.

Tips for Students:

  • The formula for the nth term and that for the summation of the AP should be memorized as they are often applied.
  • To be at ease with applying the above-mentioned formulas, it is essential to practice diverse problem-solving.

Chapter 6: Triangles

Key Concepts:

  • The similarity of the triangle
  • Certain criteria in triangle similarity (AA, SSS, SAS)
  • Areas of similarly positioned triangles
  • The Pythagoras theorem

Solutions Overview: Triangles are important elements of geometry and this chapter is devoted to the similarity of triangles. Different criteria for similarities are learned by students and how to use them in problem-solving scenarios. The chapter discusses the area of similar triangles and the determination of the Pythagoras theorem as well.

Tips for Students:

  • Regarding triangle similarity, students should be familiar with the criteria and implement some practice on proving triangles similar.
  • Although the Pythagorean theorem may seem to be an elementary concept, familiarize yourself with how it can be applied in different situations and settings.

Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry

Key Concepts:

  • Formula for Distance.
  • The formula for Section.
  • Area of the triangle.

Solutions Overview: Coordinate geometry is a field that utilizes both Algebra and Geometry enabling people to compute distance, midpoint, and area using the coordinates. In this chapter we will present the formula for the distance between two points, the section formula which divides any line segment in a given ratio, and the formula for the area of a triangle based on the coordinates of its three vertices.

Tips for Students:

  • To improve your speed and accuracy in solving problems, apply the formulas developed for solving problems.
  • Revolving all the instructions around the coordinate plane will help a better understanding of the relations among the points on it.

Chapter 8: Introduction to Trigonometry

Key Concepts:

  • Ratios of the sides of a triangle (sine, cosine, tangent)
  • Triangular relations (sine, cosine, tangent)
  • Trigonometry in Triangles.

Solutions Overview: In this unit, the definitions of the trigonometric functions defined by the ratio of the lengths of the sides of right triangles will be given such as sine, cosine, and tangent. The chapter also discusses some basic identities of trigonometric functions that are needed to transform and solve equations. Mastering the basics is the prerequisite for advancing to the higher-level problems of trigonometry.

Tips for Students:

  • Make sure you can recall the trigonometric ratios and identities these will serve as the building blocks of trigonometry.
  • Practice the art of even interchanging and transforming one trigonometric ratio into another using trigonometric identities.

Chapter 9: Connecting Power with Angles and Practical Geometry

University Graduate Students’ Lines of Reasoning:

  • The term ‘heights’ is not limited to physical heights only, but can also refer to concentration levels.
  • ‘Angle of elevation’ and ‘angle of depression’ are terms used to describe orientation in three-dimensional geometry.

Summary of Solutions: This chapter uses the formulas previously introduced and expands them into practical issues such as determining heights and distances. It defines the two angles and provides exercises involving the calculation of the angles to find out the unknown heights or distances.

Note for Students:

  • Sketch a drawing for every problem to enhance comprehension of the situation.
  • Ensure that the trigonometrical ratios are applied correctly and the units all over the work are the same.

Chapter 10: The Circle and its Provider: The Tangents.

University Graduate Students’ Lines of Reasoning:

  • Once the center of the circle is identified, defining the tangents becomes much easier.
  • Terms such as external tangents or internal tangents could be used without overexcitability around defining the types of tangents.

Summary of Solutions: Circumscribing Circles is of significant consideration in geometry and this chapter talks about definitions and importance of tangents of a circle. It shows how to determine the number of tangents to a circle that can be drawn from a point outside the circle along with their word proofs and vice versa.

Note for Students:

  • One great tip when identifying tangents from different points is to practice drawing the different tangents.
  • Be sure to study the proofs while understanding them. It’s common to see this type of question in examinations.

Chapter 11: Constructions

Key Concepts:

  • Degree of the Division of a Line Segment.
  • Construction of Tangents.

Solutions Overview: The chapter on construction draws geometric figures using a compass and straightedge. It also includes constructing tangents into circles and dividing a line in a ratio which is called geometry’s fundamental skills.

Tips for Students:

  • Make due practice for each construction in that order, following the steps provided.
  • Make sure that the instruments provided are used correctly for construction.

Chapter 12: Areas Related to Circles

Key Concepts:

  • Circles: Perimeter and Area
  • Area of Sector and Segments.

Solutions Overview: This chapter deals with perimeter and area measurements of circles counting circles segments and sectors. Learning these formulas is necessary for assisting in the resolution of questions that require a portion of a circle.

Tips for Students:

  • Use the method of loci to memorize the areas of sector and segments of a circle of a given angle.
  • To gain confidence in the application of these formulas in different problems, solve several types of problems.

Chapter 13: Surface Areas and Volumes

Key Concepts:

  • Surface Area and Volume of Solids (Cube, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hemisphere)
  • Conversion of Solids

Solutions Overview: In this chapter, students are introduced to the concepts of surface area and cavity volume for various three-dimensional shapes and to combined shape problems, where one solid is transformed into another with the question asking for a new volume or a new surface area.

Tips for Students:

  • Memorize and derive the formulas for all shapes.
  • Focus on one conversion problem and solve it step by step instead of jumping from one to another.

Chapter 14: Statistics

Key Concepts:

  • Mean, Median, and Mode of Grouped Data
  • Cumulative Frequency and Graphs

Solutions Overview: Statistics is concerned with data organization and data interpretation. This chapter explains how the average, middle value, and most frequently used numbers from within a set of numbers are known as grouped data. A ‘typical’ data set may also involve cumulative frequency and students are exposed to simple frequency tables and the construction of graphs such as histograms and ogives.

Tips for Students:

  • Get the definitions of mean, median, and mode into your head, along with how to work out each one of them.
  • Get used to drawing graphs and simulating them, for instance, seeing or working out patterns in which charts can look like.

Chapter 15: Probability

Key Concepts:

  • The Meaning of Probability
  • Relation Between Experimental and Theoretical Probability

Solutions Overview: Probability is the term used for the chances of something happening, it is very important and explains the content of this chapter. Students employ simple probability forms in calculating the chances of events occurring and learn the difference between experimental and theoretical probability.

Tips for Students:

  • Make an effort to work on the probability formula for a variety of events.
  • Make certain that you have comprehended the differences between theoretical and experimental probability.


Understanding the syllabus of NCERT Class 10 Maths is of utmost importance in constructing and strengthening the basics in case the student wishes to progress into further studies. This well-organized textbook explains all chapters in detail providing coverage and resolution on the various concepts relevant to success in students’ mathematics examinations. If students practice constantly, use the textbook, and study the topics thoroughly, they can get very good grades, as well as trust in their mathematics ability.

If you wish to get even more detailed solutions and answers, feel free to contact or refer to your NCERT textbook in search of additional exercises. At the back of your mind though, sustained practice and comprehensively interpreting the concepts overcome the challenges of mathematic activities of class ten.

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